“Repeal Mural” Starts Conversations on Censorship and Abortion in Ireland

Andrea Horan created The HunReal Issues –a website that works to “…empower and engage non-politically motivated people” over a month ago. Together, Horan and her staff looked at how they could best achieve that objective. As part of their efforts, they enlisted the help of models and TV presenters. They also asked popular artist, Maser, if he would contribute some artwork.

Many Still “Carry That Weight”—Continuing the Conversation on Campus Sexual Assault

According to “Resource Center: Campus Accountability & Safety Act,” a website maintained by New York State Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s office, 118 universities are currently being investigated for the ways they’ve allegedly mishandled allegations of sexual violence and sexual assault on their campuses. Now activists are working to meet the needs of students who feel that their concerns have been neglected by university administrators.